Key of Clubs
Key of Clubs
Key of Hearts
Key of Hearts
Key of Spades
Key of Spades
Berserkurama Golden Age
Berserkurama Golden Age
One Last Pai-Sho Match
One Last Pai-Sho Match
Mad Korra
Mad Korra
Pilot Tenzin
Pilot Tenzin
Aunty Kuvira
Aunty Kuvira
Lost Kids
Lost Kids
Master Varrick and Blaster Zhu Li
Master Varrick and Blaster Zhu Li
Altean Riffs
Altean Riffs
The Paladins
The Paladins
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake
Auntie Mildred
Auntie Mildred
Key of Clubs
Key of ClubsLeon, the holder of the Club Key.
Key of Hearts
Key of Hearts
Key of Spades
Key of Spades
BerserkuramaWas it causality that led them to this fate? Berserk/Futurama Mash-Up
Berserkurama Golden Age
Berserkurama Golden AgeHomage to the best of times before the worst of times. A Berserk/Futurama mash-up. 
One Last Pai-Sho Match
One Last Pai-Sho MatchA final friendly game of pai-sho featuring Fire Lord Zuko and Master Katara. 
Mad Korra
Mad KorraRaggedy woman, indeed. 
Pilot Tenzin
Pilot TenzinA father and son surviving in the wastes. 
Aunty Kuvira
Aunty KuviraTrue metal queen of Bender Town. 
Lost Kids
Lost KidsIf only they could fly home. 
Master Varrick and Blaster Zhu Li
Master Varrick and Blaster Zhu LiThe brains and brawn of Bendertown. 
Altean Riffs
Altean RiffsContinuation of the Voltron Legendary Defender and The Warriors mash up. 
The Paladins
The PaladinsA turf battle between space gangs rages from Arursia to Kerberos. The Paladins are mistakenly fingered for the killing of space gang leader, Alfor. Soon they have every gang in the known universe out to get revenge and they must make their way across the galaxy to their own turf.
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake Young Anbu ninja waiting in the snowy trees. 
Auntie Mildred
Auntie Mildred
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